You can add a NumPy array as a new column to Pandas dataframes by using the tolist()
function. The following are the syntax statement as well as examples showing how to actually do it.
df['new_column_name'] = array_name.tolist()
Step 1: Generate a sample dataframe
The following is to generate a dataframe and then print it out.
# generate a sample dataframe
car_data = {'Brand': ['Tesla', 'Tesla','Tesla','Ford'],
'Location': ['CA', 'CA','NY','MA'],
Brand Location Year 0 Tesla CA 2019 1 Tesla CA 2018 2 Tesla NY 2020 3 Ford MA 2019
Step 2: Generate a sample array using Numpy
The following is to generate an array using NumPy.
# generate a sample array using Numpy
import numpy as np
[88 33 44 55]
Step 3: Add the array into dataframe
The following Python code adds the array from Numpy into the dataframe.
# adding array from Numpy into a dataframe
The following is the updated dataframe after adding the array from NumPy.
Brand Location Year Random_number 0 Tesla CA 2019 88 1 Tesla CA 2018 33 2 Tesla NY 2020 44 3 Ford MA 2019 55