You can check the version of Python that is running by using the standard module sys.
First, you need to import the sys module. Since it is a standard module, you do not need to install externally.
import sys
The following is the output showing the current version of Python. It is Python 3.10.
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=0, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
You can also run a if statement to check whether a version is older than a certain version. As mentioned in the dictionary tutorial, it is important to check Python version when using Python.
if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
print('Your Python is 3.7 or newer than 3.7.')
print('Pleaes update your Python as it is older than 3.7.')
The following is the output:
Your Python is 3.7 or newer than 3.7.
You can also use the sysconfig module to print the information.
import sysconfig
The following is the output showing the current Python version.