How to Combine Pandas Dataframe and Numpy Matrix

You can combine Pandas dataframes and Numpy Matrices by using the pd.concat() function in Pandas.


The following are the steps to combine Pandas dataframe and Numpy matrix.

Step 1: Generate a dataframe

The following is to generate a dataframe and a matrix first.

# Generate a dataframe
car_data = {'Brand': ['Tesla', 'Tesla','Tesla','Ford'], 
     'Location': ['CA', 'CA','NY','MA'],

# print out the dataframe
print('Dataframe: \n',car_data)

The following is the print out of the dataframe.

    Brand Location  Year
0  Tesla       CA  2019
1  Tesla       CA  2018
2  Tesla       NY  2020
3   Ford       MA  2019

Step 2: Generate a matrix

# Generate a matrix

# print out the matrix
print('Generated Matrix:\n',mt_1_T)

The following is the print out of the generated matrix.

Generated Matrix:
 [[88  4]
 [33  2]
 [44  3]
 [55  5]]

Step 3: Combine Pandas dataframe and Numpy Matrix

The following is the Python code combining a dataframe and a matrix.

# Combine the dataframe and the matrix

The following is the combined dataframe-a combinatino of the original dataframe and the matrix.

   Brand Location  Year   0  1
0  Tesla       CA  2019  88  4
1  Tesla       CA  2018  33  2
2  Tesla       NY  2020  44  3
3   Ford       MA  2019  55  5

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