How to Increase Bin Density in Histogram in R

This tutorial shows how to increase bin density in histogram in R. You can use breaks in hist() to do so. Below is the basic R syntax of doing so.

hist(dataset_name,breaks = 50)

Example 1

We are going to use the “Average Yearly Temperatures in New Haven” for the first example to show how to increase bin density in histogram in R.

The following is the R code of hist() without and with breaks parameter.

# without "breaks" parameter in hist() 
# with "breaks" parameter in hist() 
hist(nhtemp,breaks = 50)
Increase Bin Density in Histogram in R (before)
Increase Bin Density in Histogram in R (before)

The following histogram is the output of hist() with the “breaks” parameter.

Increase Bin Density in Histogram in R (after)
Increase Bin Density in Histogram in R (after)

Example 2

Example 2 will use the cars dataset. The following is the R code without (low bin density in histogram) and with (high bin density in histogram) the breaks parameter.

# without "breaks" parameter in hist() 
# with "breaks" parameter in hist() 
hist(cars$speed,breaks = 30)

The following are the figures.

without breaks in hist() (low bin density in histogram)
without breaks in hist() (low bin density in histogram)
with breaks in hist() (high bin density in histogram)
with breaks in hist() (high bin density in histogram)