Introduction of Normal Distribution Functions in R (Examples)

The tutorial provides examples for each of these 4 normal distribution functions in R. R has 4 normal distribution functions, including rnorm, dnorm, pnorm, and qnorm.

The following table provides a summary for each of these 4 normal distribution functions in R.

Syntax of R functionsDefinitionsExamples
rnorm(n, mean, sd)Generate a sample of normal distributionrnorm(50) returns a sample of 50 data points, with mean = 0 and sd = 1.
dnorm(x, mean, sd)Return the density of probability at point of xdnorm(2) returns 0.05, which is the density value at point of x=2.
pnorm(q, mean, sd)Return the probabiliy p = CDF value from (-, q).pnorm(2) returns probability p= 0.977.
qnorm(p, mean, sd)Return the quantile value q, based on the probability value of p. qnorm(0.977) returns the quantile value q= 2.
Summary of Normal Distribution Functions in R
Normal Distribution Functions (pnorm, qnorm, and dnorm) in R
Normal Distribution Functions (pnorm, qnorm, and dnorm) in R

Examples of 4 normal distribution functions in R

Example 1: rnorm()

rnorm(50, 2, 4) will generate 50 data points with mean = 2 and sd =4.

The following is the R code of rnorm(50, 2, 4) and its output. It returns a sample of 50 data observations.

> rnorm(50, 2, 4) 
 [1] -0.6595560  0.4281984  4.8785564  3.5895556  0.2748618
 [6]  4.8687434  9.5170507  1.5709189  6.8071283  1.4665153
[11]  2.1283960 -3.8310225  1.4255138 -1.6046666  4.3547475
[16] 11.7897579 -1.4176837  8.3676064  5.1467558  0.8026364
[21] 10.6407257  3.0924876  0.5525197  1.4196198  2.7662511
[26]  0.2250933 -2.2283784  9.2073751  4.0276599 -0.6118463
[31]  2.3868138  3.0647955  0.6110670  4.9345245  0.9395610
[36]  2.2158906  4.0917283  4.0740428 -5.4952048 -1.5320750
[41] -0.5265014 -2.3662700  6.3202778 -0.9169152 -2.8141011
[46]  8.1260610  5.7547098 -1.2224999  1.7558709  5.6006177

Example 2: dnorm()

dnorm(2) returns the density of probability at x=2. Note that it is standard normal distribution with mean = 0 and SD = 1.

> dnorm(2)
[1] 0.05399097

We can see that 0.054 is the density of probability at point of 2. Visually, it is the value on Y-axis in the bell shape curve of normal distribution (see the figure below).

Normal Distribution Bell Shape Curve (Plot of Normal Distribution in R)
Normal Distribution Bell Shape Curve (Plot of Normal Distribution in R)

Example 3: pnorm()

pnorm(0, 0, 1) returns 0.5, which is probability value of the CDF for the range of (-, 0) for standard normal distribution (i.e., mean = 0 and sd =1).

> pnorm(0, 0, 1)
[1] 0.5

The following is the plot for pnorm(0, 0, 1). The area of the blue shade is 0.5.

Plot shaded area for pnorm(0, 0, 1)
Plot shaded area for pnorm(0, 0, 1)

Example 4: qnorm()

qnorm(0.5, 0, 1) returns 0, which is the quantile (i.e., value on the x-axis) for the probability of 0.5. As we can see, qnorm() is just the inverse side of pnorm().

> qnorm(0.5, 0, 1)
[1] 0

Further Reading