To save Pandas dataframe as CSV file, you can use the function of df.to_csv. The following shows the steps.
Step 1: Dataframe example
The following Python code is to generate the sample dataframe.
import pandas as pd
# create a dataframe called df_1
df_1 = pd.DataFrame({'Brand': ['Tesla', 'Toyota','Tesla','Ford'],
'Location': ['CA', 'CA','NY','MA']},index=list('abcd'))
# print out the dataframe
print("df_1: \n",df_1)
The following is the print out of the generated sample dataframe.
df_1: Brand Location a Tesla CA b Toyota CA c Tesla NY d Ford MA
Step 2: Save dataframe as CSV file
The following shows Python code to save a dataframe as a CSV file.
# save the pandas dataframe as a csv file
Step 3: Remove index (Optional)
You can also remove the index in the csv file by adding index=False
# save the pandas dataframe as a csv file