How to Read Text (txt) Files in Pandas

This tutorial uses example Python codes to show 2 methods to read a text (txt) file into the Python programming environment. The following is the screenshot of the txt file.

text (txt) file example for Python

Method 1: Use read_csv() function to read txt

You can use read_csv() function to read txt files as well. The basic syntax structure is as follows. I also provide example Python code below.

pd.read_csv("file_name.txt", sep=" ")
import pandas as pd

#read the txt file using pd.read_csv()
test_df = pd.read_csv("test_df.txt", sep=" ")

#print out the dataframe
   Brand Location  Year  Random_number
0  Tesla       CA  2019             88
1  Tesla       CA  2018             33
2  Tesla       NY  2020             44
3   Ford       MA  2019             55

By default, it assumes there is header. If no, you can tell the function that there is no header. The following shows how it would look like. Obviously, this txt file actually has a header.

import pandas as pd

#read the txt file using pd.read_csv()
test_df = pd.read_csv("test_df.txt", sep=" ",header=None)

#print out the dataframe
       0         1     2              3
0  Brand  Location  Year  Random_number
1  Tesla        CA  2019             88
2  Tesla        CA  2018             33
3  Tesla        NY  2020             44
4   Ford        MA  2019             55

Method 2: Use read_table() function to read txt files

You can also use read_table() function to read txt files as well. The basic syntax structure is as follows.

pd.read_table("file_name.txt", sep=" ")
import pandas as pd

#read the txt file using pd.read_table()
test_df = pd.read_table("test_df.txt", sep=" ")

#print out the dataframe
   Brand Location  Year  Random_number
0  Tesla       CA  2019             88
1  Tesla       CA  2018             33
2  Tesla       NY  2020             44
3   Ford       MA  2019             55

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