How to Select or Subset Dataframe Columns in Python

The tutorial shows how to select columns in a dataframe in Python. method 1: df[‘column_name’] method 2: df.column_name method 3: df.loc[:, ‘column_name’] method 4: df.iloc[:, column_number] Example for method 1 The following uses df[‘column_name’] to subset a column of data. In particular, it subsets the column of ‘Location.’ The following shows the original dataframe and … Read more

What is Dataframe in Python?

This tutorial explains what a dataframe is in Python. Further, I will show how to define a dataframe using Pandas with examples. Finally, I will show how to define a dataframe from Pandas.series. Introduction of Dataframe Dataframe is two-dimensional, size-mutable, potentially heterogeneous tabular data. For instance, below is a dataframe of Microsoft stock price. (Regarding … Read more

How to Write For Loop in Python (Examples)

This tutorial includes 3 examples showing how to write for loop in Python. Example 1 of for loop in Python The following creates a list called cars, and we can then use for loop to print out each item in the list. The following is the output, which includes a complete list format and for … Read more

Python Tuples

What is tuple in Python? Tuple is one of 4 built-in data types in Python. The other 3 are Dictionary, Set, and List, all of which can be used to store a collection of elements/items, The following lists a few key characteristics of Tuple. The elements in a Tuple are ordered. The elements in a Tuple … Read more

Python Sets

This tutorial defines what Python sets are, how to measure the size of sets in Python, how to add or remove elements in a set, how to loop through a set. I will also explain why sets are not subscriptable in Python.

Python Lists

What is list in Python? Python Lists are an ordered collection of items within square brackets []. How to create a list in Python We use the square brackets ([]) to create a list. We can create an empty list. The following example shows how you can create a list of some actual items in … Read more

Python Strings

The current post covers how to use strings in Python. Specifically, it covers how you can define a string, how to index and slice a string, and how to combine different strings and print them out. Finally, it also covers how to add a variable to a string.

Python Dictionaries

What is dictionary in Python? Dictionary is used to store a collection of elements/items. In Python, The other 3 of them in Python are Tuple,  Set, and List.  Dictionaries are used to store data in a format of key:value. Dictionaries have the following few characteristics. (1) Dictionaries are ordered, as of Python Version 3.7. In Python … Read more

How to Save Dataframes as CSV and xlsx Files in Python

This tutorial demonstrates how to save a dataframe as CSV and xlsx files in Python. Part 1: CSV Files We can first write a dictionary, then transform it into a dataframe. After that, we can use to_csv() save it as a CSV. brands models 0 Tesla Model 3 1 Toyota RAV4 The CSV file is … Read more