Create OpenAI Style Illustrations in Python

This tutorial shows how to create OpenAI website style illustrations using Python Turtle graphics. The following includes two examples.

Example 1: Parallel Lines

The following is the first example of drawing an OpenAI-style figure using Python Turtle. If you run the code, you will get the following figure, which includes some parallel lines with different gray shapes.

Example 1 of creating OpenAI style illustrations using Python Turtle graphics (parallel lines)
import turtle

# Set up the turtle screen
screen = turtle.Screen()

# Create turtle objects
turtles = []

# Set up the turtles
line_height = screen.window_height() - 40
num_lines = int(line_height / 30)  # Adjust the distance between lines as needed

# Calculate the distance between lines
distance_between_lines = line_height / (num_lines - 1)

# Calculate the maximum line width at the top
max_line_width = 25

# Set the speed of decreasing width (increase the value for slower decrease)
width_decrease_speed = 1.1

# Loop to create multiple parallel lines
for i in range(num_lines):
    # Create a turtle object
    new_turtle = turtle.Turtle()

    # Calculate the distance from the top
    distance_from_top = i * distance_between_lines

    # Calculate the line width based on the distance from the top
    denominator = max(1, line_height - (width_decrease_speed * distance_from_top))  # Add a small offset to avoid division by zero
    line_width = max_line_width - 0.7 *(max_line_width / denominator) * distance_from_top

    # Ensure line_width is always positive
    line_width = max(line_width, 0)

    # Set the turtle width and speed

    # Calculate the grayscale color value based on the line index
    grayscale_value = int((255 / (num_lines - 1)) * i)

    # Convert the grayscale value to hexadecimal format
    hex_color = "#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format(grayscale_value, grayscale_value, grayscale_value)

    # Set the turtle color

    # Add the turtle to the list

# Set the initial position for the lines
start_x = -screen.window_width() / 2 + 20
start_y = screen.window_height() / 2 - 20

# Set the shape of the turtle to square
screen.register_shape("square", ((-0.5, -0.5), (-0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5), (0.5, -0.5)))
for turtle_obj in turtles:

# Loop to draw multiple parallel lines
for i, turtle_obj in enumerate(turtles):
    # Move the turtle to the starting position of the line
    turtle_obj.setpos(start_x, start_y - i * distance_between_lines)

    # Set the orientation of the turtle to draw straight lines

    # Calculate the line length based on the width
    line_length = screen.window_width() - 40

    # Draw the line using forward and backward movements

# Close the turtle graphics window

Example 2: Random Squares

In the following example, we are going to draw random squares in different rows with different levels of gray.

Example 1 of creating OpenAI style illustrations using Python Turtle graphics (squares in random order)
import turtle
import random

# Set up the turtle screen
screen = turtle.Screen()

# Create a turtle instance
t = turtle.Turtle()

# Function to draw a square at a given location and size
def draw_square(x, y, size, color):
    t.goto(x - size / 2, y - size / 2)
    t.pensize(0)  # Set the pen size to 0 (no outline)
    for _ in range(4):

# Number of rows and squares per row
num_rows = 15
squares_per_row = 15

# Distance between squares and rows
square_spacing = 40
row_spacing = 40

# Starting position of the first row
start_x = -square_spacing * (squares_per_row - 1) / 2
start_y = (num_rows - 1) * row_spacing / 2

# Gray levels
gray_levels = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9]

# Draw squares in rows
for row in range(num_rows):
    y = start_y - row * row_spacing

    for col in range(squares_per_row):
        x = start_x + col * square_spacing

        # Randomly decide whether to remove the square
        if random.random() < 0.3:  # Adjust the probability as desired
            continue  # Skip drawing the square

        # Determine the color for the square
        if random.random() < 0.4:  # Adjust the probability as desired
            color = "yellow"  # Use yellow color
            gray_level = random.choice(gray_levels)
            color = (gray_level, gray_level, gray_level)  # Use gray color

        draw_square(x, y, 22, color)  # Increase square size to 20

# Hide the turtle cursor

# Update the screen

# Exit on click

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