How to Calculate Two-Factor ANOVA without Replication

ANOVA Two-Factor without Replication is used for a design of two factors (e.g., Factor A and Factor B) and only 1 observation in each cell.

For instance, both Factor A and Factor B have two levels, leading to 4 cells in total. Each cell only has 1 observations (see below).

Data Example for Two-Factor ANOVA without Replication
Data Example for Two-Factor ANOVA without Replication

Variance Partitioning

Two-Factor ANOVA without Replication (SST) can be broken down into 3 part, SSA, SSB, and SSR. The following is the figure showing the variance partitioning.

variance partitioning for Two-Factor ANOVA without Replication
variance partitioning for Two-Factor ANOVA without Replication


The following shows the formulas for each components, including

\( SS_T=SS_A+SS_B+SS_R \)

For SST, you can use the following formula.

\( SS_T=\sum \sum (x_{ij}-\bar{x})^2 \)


  • \( i \) represents \( i^{th} \) row, \( j \) represents \( j^{th} \) column.
  • \( x_{ij} \) represents observation at \( i^{th} \) row and \( j^{th} \) column.
  • \( \bar{x}\) is the grand mean of all the cells.

For SSA, the following is the formula.

\( SS_A= \sum n_i (\bar{x_i} -\bar{x})^2 \)


  • \( n_i \) represents the number of observations for \( i^{th} \) row.
  • \( \bar{x_i}\) is the mean of observations for \( i^{th} \) row.
  • \( \bar{x}\) is the grand mean of all the cells.

For SSB, the following is the formula.

\( SS_B= \sum n_j (\bar{x_j} -\bar{x})^2 \)


  • \( n_j \) represents the number of observations for \( j^{th} \) column.
  • \( \bar{x_j}\) is the mean of observations for \( j^{th} \) column.
  • \( \bar{x}\) is the grand mean of all the cells.

The formula for SSR is as follows.

\( SS_R = \sum \sum (x_{ij}-\bar{x_i}-\bar{x_j}+\bar{x})^2 \)


  • \( x_{ij} \) represents observation at \( i^{th} \) row and \( j^{th} \) column.
  • \( \bar{x_i}\) is the mean of observations for \( i^{th} \) row.
  • \( \bar{x_j}\) is the mean of observations for \( j^{th} \) row.
  • \( \bar{x}\) is the grand mean of all the cells.

Note that, since \( x_{ij} \) is exactly the same as \( \bar{x_{ij}}\), you can not use the the same formula for SSR in two-factor ANOVA with replication. Instead, SSR here is the similar to interaction effect SSAB in Two-Factor ANOVA with replication.

Calculate by Hand

The following is the data example used here.

Data for ANOVA: Two-Factor without Replication in Excel
Data for ANOVA: Two-Factor without Replication

We can calculate the row and column means and grand mean as follow.

Row, column, grand means for Two-Factor ANOVA without Replication
Row, column, grand means for Two-Factor ANOVA without Replication

We can calculate SSA, SSB, and SSR as follows.

SST= (10-9.75)2 + (20-9.75)2 +(5-9.75)2 +(4-9.75)2 =160.75

SSA= 2(15-9.75)2 + 2(14.5-9.75)2 =110.25

SSB= 2(7.5-9.75)2 + 2(12-9.75)2 =20.25

SSR= (10-7.5-15+9.75)2 + (20-12-15+9.75)2 +(5-7.5-14.5+9.75)2 +(4-12-14.5+9.75)2 =30.25

Thus, we can see that SSA+SSB+SSR =160.75 = SSR.

We can calculate MSA, MSB, and MSR as follows. Since all the degree of freedom is 1 for all of them. We can get the following.

MSA= SSA / dfA=110.25/1=110.25

MSA =SSB /dfB =20.25/1=20.25

MSR = SSR /dfR= 30.25/1=30.25

Finally, we can calculate the F-ratios as follows.

FA=MSA / MSR =110.25/30.25=3.64

FB=MSB / MSR =20.25/30.25=0.67

You can compare the output here with the output shown below using Excel. You can see that the results are the same.

Calculate using Excel

This section is to explain how to do ANOVA Two-Factor without Replication in Excel.

Step 1: Select menu options in Excel

You can select ANOVA: Two-Factor without Replication in Excel and click OK.

ANOVA: Two-Factor without Replication in Data Analysis in Excel
ANOVA: Two-Factor without Replication in Data Analysis in Excel

Step 2: Set data range in Excel

Then, you select A1 to C3 to the Input Range, click “Lables” and then “OK.”

Input Range and Lbales options for ANOVA: Two-Factor without Replication
Input Range and Lbales options for ANOVA: Two-Factor Without Replication

Step 3: Interpretation of the Excel output from two-factor ANOVA without Replication

The following are the null and alternative hypotheses for the effect of City.

  • Null Hypothesis: City 1 and City 2 do not differ in sales.
  • Alternative Hypothesis: City 1 and City 2 do differ in sales.

The following are the null and alternative hypotheses for the effect of Chain Brand.

  • Null Hypothesis: Chain Brand A and Chain Brand B do not differ in sales.
  • Alternative Hypothesis: Chain Brand A and Chain Brand B do differ in sales.

The following is the output from Excel. For the effect of City on sales, the p-value is greater than 0.05, and thus we fail to reject the null hypothesis. In other words, City 1 and City 2 do differ in sales.

For the effect of Chain Brand on sales, the p-value is greater than 0.05 and thus we fail to reject the null hypothesis. In other words, Chain Brand A and Chain Brand B do differ in sales.

Output of two-Factor ANOVA without Replication in Excel
The output of two-Factor ANOVA without Replication in Excel

Further Reading

There are tutorials on this site on Two-factor ANOVA with replication. You can check them out to have a better understanding on this topic.

Finally, the following is a reference outside of this site.

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