One-Way ANOVA in Excel

This tutorial shows how you can do one-way ANOVA (analysis of variance) in Excel. Note that, one-way ANOVA is also called single factor ANOVA. Steps of One-Way ANOVA in Excel Step 1: Prepare the data Suppose we would like to see whether 3 cities differ in terms of household size. We sample 5 households from each city. … Read more

How to fix: Data Analysis not Show up in Excel

This tutorial shows how to solve the problem that data analysis does not show up in Excel. That is, you click the “Data” tap, but you can not see find “Data Analysis” module. Steps of fixing “Data Analysis” not show up in Excel Step 1: Click “File” and “Options” Click “File” on the top and … Read more

Calculate two-sample t-test and its P-value in Excel

This tutorial shows how you can calculate two-sample t-test and its p-value in Excel. This tutorial will include detailed examples and steps. Steps of Calculating two-sample t-test and p-value in Excel Step 1: Data used for t-test The following is the data used for t-test. The data are women and men’s attitudes toward a brand … Read more

Calculate Correlation Coefficient and P-value In Excel

This tutorial shows how you can calculate correlation coefficient and p-value in Excel. In particular, this tutorial will include data examples and calculation processes in Excel. Step 1: Data used for correlation analysis in Excel We are going to use the data used in another tutorial, namely temperature and iced coffee sales. We want to … Read more