SPSS Basics
- SPSS Measure: Nominal, Ordinal, and Scale
- Are Likert Scales Ordinal or Interval Data
- Difference between Interval and Ratio Data
- How to Create Scatter Plots in SPSS
- Plot Interaction Effects of Categorical Variables in SPSS
- Select Variables and Save as a New File in SPSS
- How to Read SPSS Files in R
SPSS Data Analytics for Beginners
Section 1: Mean Comparisons:
- Lecture 1: Independent t-test in SPSS
- Lecture 2: Paired t-test in SPSS
- Lecture 3: One Sample t-test in SPSS
- Lecture 4: One-Way ANOVA in SPSS
- Lecture 5: Two-Way ANOVA in SPSS (with example)
Section 2: Correlation and Regression
- Lecture 6: How to Do Correlation Analysis in SPSS (4 Steps)
- Lecture 7: Simple Linear Regression in SPSS
- Lecture 8: Multiple Linear Regression in SPSS
Section 3: Count Data
- Lecture 9: Logistic Regression in SPSS
- Lecture 10: One Variable Chi-Square in SPSS
- Lecture 11: Chi square Analysis in SPSS
- Lecture 12: McNemar’s Test in SPSS
SPSS: Advanced Tutorials
- Interaction between Categorical and Continuous Variables in SPSS
- Johnson Neyman in SPSS (4 steps)
- How Dummy and Contrast Codings Impact P-values in SPSS
- Linear Mixed Models in SPSS
- Levene’s Test in SPSS